Pseudacris brimleyi
Description: The Brimley’s chorus frog is a small, tan frog with a prominent dark brown or black stripe running along each side of its body, from snout to groin. It usually has three paler stripes on its back, and its belly is yellowish. Some individuals have dark spots on their chests. It lacks the dark triangular spot often present between the eyes of other chorus frogs.
Habitats and Habits: Breeding occurs in marshes, swamps, floodplain forests and roadside ditches of the Coastal Plain. Eggs are laid in several small clumps, and it takes four to eight weeks for the tadpoles to transform.
Call: Brimley’s chorus frogs call between December and April. Their call is a short, raspy trill.
Frog Fact: The Brimley’s chorus frog is named after Clement Samuel Brimley, a North Carolina naturalist who conducted research on amphibians and reptiles in the early 1900s. The N.C. Natural Heritage Program includes this species on its “Watch List” (a list of species whose populations need monitoring in order to determine their status).
Brimley’s Chorus Frog Call